Emeritus Professor, Dr. Richard Rapport, has had several books and stories published over the past twenty years. His latest opus, Bedside Stories, features chapters influenced by his years at Harborview.
Books and stories Dr. Rapport has authored:
1. Rapport RL: Physician: The Life of Paul Beeson, Barricade Books: Fort Lee, N.J., 2001.
2. Rapport RL: Lub Dub Lub Dub, in To Come To Light: Perspectives on Chronic Illness in Modern Literature (ed. Amy Bonomi), Whit Press: Seattle, WA 2002.
3. Rapport RL: Nerve Endings: Discovery of the Synapse, WW Norton: New York, 2005.
4. Rapport RL: Surgeon’s Knots in Open Spaces, Penny Harrison ed, University of Washington Press, 2011.
5. Rapport RL: To Die of Having Lived, in Models for Writers: Short Essays and Composition, Alfred Rosa and Paul Escholz (eds). Bedford/St. Martin’s, Boston, 2012.
6. Rapport RL: It is Nothing Like That, in Who Reads Poetry, Fred Sakaki and Don Share (eds), University of Chicago Press: (Chicago), October 6, 2017.
7. Rapport RL: Seattle’s Medic One: How We Don’t Die, The History Press: (Mt. Pleasant, SC), August 5, 2019.
8. Rapport RL: Reflections on Medicine and Humanity (Brabara Loeb and LoAn Nguyen, eds), Maven Project: Un-becoming, Maven Project (San Francisco, CA) 2022.
9. Rapport RL: Bedside Stories, in production 2023.