NEUR S 680 – Neurological Surgery Clerkship
- Discuss the anatomy of the nervous system and how it influences symptoms and signs.
- Perform a thorough neurological examination
- Interpret imaging studies and other diagnostic information for patients in with neurological diseases and conditions
- Outline diagnostic and surgical management options for surgical diseases of the nervous system
- We will cover head and spine trauma, cerebrovascular disease, pediatric neurosurgery, neuro-oncology (tumors), functional neurosurgery, congenital neurosurgery and other neurosurgical subspecialties
- Identify and differentiate acute problems in the nervous system needing surgical attention by a neurosurgeon and those that are more chronic in nature
- Discuss treatment options for common neurosurgical diseases with an understanding of both goals and risks.
NEUR S 697 - Neurological Surgery Special Elective
(Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
By specific arrangement for qualified students, special clerkships or ‘away clerkships’ may be available at institutions other than the University of Washington. Interested students should submit a "Credit for Away Clerkship" form available from the UWSOM Dean's Office Registrar and complete for departmental approval at least two months before advance registration.
NEUR S 699 – WWAMI Neurological Surgery Special Electives
(Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
By specific arrangement for qualified students, special clerkships or ‘away clerkships’ may be available at institutions other than the University of Washington located within the WWAMI region. Interested students should obtain a “Credit for Away Clerkship in WWAMI” form available from the UWSOM Dean’s Office Registrar and complete for departmental approval at least two months before advance registration.
NEUR S 505 –
(Offered: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)
Opportunity for first- and second-year medical students to observe the research, teaching, and patient-care activities of academic neurosurgery. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and administrator.
Course contact:
Megan Osika-Dass
Program Coordinator
Office: 206-744-9316