UCSF will subcontract to the University of Washington to collaborate with Drs. Nancy Temkin, Randall Chestnut, Sureyya Dikmen, and Christine Mac Donald. Dr. Temkin will serve on the TRACK-TBI NET Executive Committee, Steering Committee, and as co-lead of the Biostatistics and Analytic Core over the course of the study. She will also serve on the Steering Committee. Dr. Chestnut will serve as Subaward PI and will provide the infrastructure and oversee the clinical enrollment and follow-up assessments at his site during clinical trials in Years 2-5. Dr. Dikmen will serve on the Outcomes Core and provide expertise in TBI outcome assessment, site training for outcome assessment personnel, and oversee outcome assessment quality assurance. Dr. MacDonald will serve on the Imaging Core and assist with Imaging Biomarker data analytic pipelines and study-specific analyses. As a Clinical Site, capitated funds will be allocated to the University of Washington for clinical trial expenses.
University of California, San Francisco