
Twenty years ago, Dr. Sekhar performed a series of surgeries for a clival chordoma that would give his patient a “full and interesting life”. The patient has had no recurrence to date and has been…

Watch Sub-I’s Kate Becker, Alice Hsu, Lily McLaughlin and Joanna Tabor present on their research at Grand Rounds on September 13, 2023. 

Hosted by Louis and Aylin Kim, The Department of Neurological Surgery held its 16th annual Hike to the Heavens on August 11th.  Thanks to a particularly notorious cougar, an alternate, less…

Matthew N. Anderson, MD (Endovascular), Robert T. Buckley, MD (Pediatric), Caroline Hadley, MD (Cerebrovascular), Joseph P. Herbert, MD (Spine), Travis C. Hill, MD, PhD (Spine), Michael Meyer, MD…