Dr. Ellenbogen was named the 2021 Cloward Award Recipient by the Western Neurosurgical Society. The prestigious award is named for Ralph Bingham Cloward who was a member of the Western Neurosurgical Society for 40 years and served as its President in 1975. It was felt that Ralph’s innovative talents and pioneering efforts to establish anterior cervical and posterior lumbar interbody fusion plus the numerous instruments he devised was just cause to honor him in perpetuity by bestowing an award upon neurosurgeons from around the world who also exemplified such capacity for epochal innovation and pioneering application.
Dr. Ellenbogen attended the event in New Mexico along with residents Guil Barros, James Pan and Jessica Eaton, winner of the Clinical Science Resident Award. The first recipient of the Cloward Award was none other than the Department’s own Dr. George Ojemann in 2003.
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