In the News

Watch Dr. Howard L. Weiner, Professor and Vice Chair of Neurosurgery at Baylor College of Medicine and Chief of Neurosurgery at Texas Children’s Hospital deliver the annual Goodkin Endowed Lecture…

The team at the University of Washington’s Center for Neurotechnology is working out how best to engineer stimulation to the brain to restore tactile sensations that allow people to perform useful…

Daniel Fine celebrated this 30th birthday in a hospital room with his life on the line.  No one suspected he would have a brain tumor at age 29. To make matters worse, at the time of his diagnosis…

Scientists and doctors including Dr. Melanie Walker and Dr. Michael Levitt are exploring the use mitochondria infusions to jump-start the cellular processes required to heal damaged hearts, brains…

Under the direction of Dr. Louis Kim, chief of neurological surgery at Harborview, the new Center is implementing a pilot program to improve access to UW Medicine’s internationally recognized…