Congratulations to Dr. Barros whose proposal, “Modeling effect of hemodynamic changes on endothelial transcriptional profile of cerebral aneurysms after endovascular flow diversion treatment,” was selected to receive the $15,000 Robert J. Dempsey, MD Cerebrovascular Resident Research Award, established to honor Dr. Dempsey for his mentoring of young physicians by the AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section.
Project Summary: The goal of Dr. Barros’ research is to understand how changes in blood flow hemodynamics after flow-diverting stent (FDS) placement affect the aneurysmal endothelial cell transcriptional profile, ultimately determining a connection to treatment outcomes. The central hypothesis is hemodynamic changes within the aneurysm dome after endovascular FDS treatment will directly drive specific endothelial cell transcription and protein expression levels, resulting in quantifiable differences associated with treatment success or failure. To test this hypothesis, Dr. Barros will 1) build an in vitro 3D-printed aneurysm model treated with FDS to quantify the endothelial regulatory response specific to anatomic regions of hemodynamic changes within the aneurysm dome, and 2) use the co-localized hemodynamic flow and genetic expression data to identify associations of these factors with angiographic treatment outcomes and aneurysm occlusion.