Dr. Ojemann received his undergraduate and doctorate degrees at the University of Iowa College of Medicine. After completing his neurological surgery residency at University of Washington medical centers, he began a distinguished career as a neurosurgeon and researcher specializing in epilepsy, joining the University of Washington faculty in 1966.
He retired from clinical practice in 2005 but has continued this research and teaching. For his research, he received the 1984 Grass Prize from the Society of Neurological Surgeons, a Javitts award from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, an honorary Doctor of Science degree from the Medical College of Ohio in 1998, the Zulch Prize from the Max Planck Society and Gertrude Reemtsma Foundation in 2000, and the 2003 Cloward Medal of the Western Neurosurgical Society.
He was a member of the Advisory Council of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke from 1997-2000. He was on the editorial board of the Journal of Neurosurgery from 1985-92 (Chairman 1991-92), a Director of the American Board of Neurological Surgery from 1987-93 (Chairman 1992-93), a member of the Residency Review Committee for Neurosurgery from 1993-99, and on the Board of Director of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons from 1992-95.
In 1991, his medical school honored him as a distinguished alumnus. He was President of the American Academy of Neurological Surgery in 1999-2000.
Dr. Ojemann has spoken at medical conferences around the world, including many visiting professorships and named lectureships. He is the author of over 300 peer reviewed articles and book chapters, including two books for the general public co-authored with William Calvin: Inside the Brain (1980) and Conversations with Neil's Brain (1994).
Dr. Ojemann has been married to Dr. Linda Moretti Ojemann since 1967, sharing a common interest in the treatment of patients with difficult seizure problems. Their three children are physicians, two in neurosurgery.
Surgical therapy of medically refractory epilepsy and brain tumors in functionally important cortical areas.
Medical Education
University of Iowa
University of Washington
- Van Buren JM, Li C, Ojemann GA: Fronto-striatal arrest response in man. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysio 21:114-130, 1966.
- Ojemann GA, Henkin RI: Steroid dependent changes in visual evoked potentials. Life Sci 6:327-334, 1967.
- Ojemann GA, Van Buren JM: Respiratory, heart rate, and GSR responses from human diencephalon. Arch Neurol 16:74-88, 1967.
- Ojemann GA, Fedio P, Van Buren JM: Anomia from pulvinar and subcortical parietal stimulation. Brain 91:99-116, 1968.
- Ojemann GA, Fedio P: Effect of stimulation of the human thalamus and parietal and temporal white matter on short-term memory. J Neurosurg 29:51-59, 1968.
- Li C, Ohta T, Ojemann GA, Parker L: Hemicooling of the brain by carotid-carotid perfusion. Exp Neurol 20:533-543, 1968.
- Stuntz JT, Ojemann GA, Alvord EC JR: Radiographic and histologic demonstration of an aneurysm developing on the infundibulum of the posterior communicating artery. J Neurosurg 33:591-595, 1970.
- Ojemann GA, Blick KI, Ward AA Jr: Improvement and disturbance of short-term verbal memory with human ventrolateral thalamic stimulation. Brain 94:225-240, 1971.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Present indications for L-Dopa and thalamotomy in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Northwest Medicine 70:101-104, 1971.
- Ojemann GA, Hoyenga KB, Ward AA Jr: Prediction of short-term verbal memory disturbance after ventrolateral thalamotomy. J Neurosurg 35:203-210, 1971.
- Ojemann GA: Alteration in nonverbal short term memory with stimulation in the region of the mammillothalamic tract in man. Neuropsychologia 9:195-201, 1971.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Speech representation in ventrolateral thalamus. Brain 94:669-680, 1971.
- Kusske J, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Effects of lesions in ventral anterior thalamus on experimental focal epilepsy. Exp Neurol 34:279-290, 1972.
- Moseley J, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Unit activity during focal cortical hypothermia in the normal cortex. Exp Neurol 37:152-163, 1972.
- Moseley J, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Unit activity in experimental epileptic foci during focal cortical hypothermia. Exp Neurol 37:164-178, 1972.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Abnormal Movement Disorders, in Youmans J (Ed), Neurosurgery, Chapter 104. Saunders, pp. 1829-1867, 1973.
- Calvin WH, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Human cortical neurons in epileptogenic foci: Comparison of interictal firing patterns to those of "epileptic" neurons in animals. EEG Clin Neurophys 34:337-351, 1973.
- Sypert GW, Leffman H, Ojemann GA: Occult normal pressure hydrocephalus manifested by parkinsonism-dementia complex. Neurology 23:234-238, 1973.
- Kusske JA, Turner PT, Ojemann GA, Harris AB: Ventriculostomy for the treatment of acute hydrocephalus following subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 38:591-595, 1973.
- Ojemann G: Thalamic stimulation: A way to treat aphasia? Medical World News 15:82H, 1974.
- Ojemann GA: Speech and short-term verbal memory - Alterations evoked from stimulation in pulvinar, in Cooper IS, Ricklan M, Rakic P (Eds): The Pulvinar-LP Complex, Chapter 7. Springfield: Thomas, pp. 173-184, 1974.
- Ojemann GA: Mental arithmetic during human thalamic stimulation. Neuropsychologia 12:1-10, 1974.
- Leech RW, Welch FT, Ojemann GA: Subdural hematoma secondary to metastatic dural carcinomatosis. Case report. J Neurosurg 41:610-613, 1974.
- Wyler AR, Leech RW, Reynolds AF, Ojemann GA, Mead C: Cholesterol granuloma of the petrous apex. Case Report. J Neurosurg 41:765-768, 1974 Ojemann GA: Guest editor's note. Brain and Language 2:1-2, 1975.
- Ojemann GA: Language and the thalamus: Object naming and recall during and after thalamic stimulation. Brain and Language 2:101-120, 1975.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Stereotactic and other procedures for epilepsy, in Purpura DP, Penry JK, Walters RD (Eds): Advances in Neurology, Chapter 12. New York: Raven Press, pp. 241-263, 1975.
- Rapport RL II, Ojemann GA: Prophylactically administered phenytoin. Effects on the development of chronic cobalt-induced epilepsy in the cat. Arch Neurol 32:539-548, 1975.
- Rapport RL II, Ojemann GA: Effects of prophylactically administered diphenylhydantoin on the development of chronic cobalt-induced epilepsy in the cat. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 38:545, 1975.
- Ojemann GA, Calvin WH, Ward AA Jr: Human epileptic foci – search for synchrony between bursting activity in single neurons and local and surface EEG spikes. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 38:555, 1975.
- Ojemann G: Improved performance in some dysnomic states after human ventrolateral thalamic stimulation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 38:408, 1975.
- Ojemann GA: General discussion, Kindling symposium. Can J Neurol Sci 2:513, 1975.
- Reynolds AF Jr, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Intracellular recording during focal hypothermia in cat pericruciate cortex. Exp Neurol 46:556-582, 1975.
- Reynolds AF Jr, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Intracellular recording during focal hypothermia of penicillin and alumina experimental epileptic foci. Exp Neurol 46:583-604, 1975.
- Rapport R, Harris AB, Friel P, Ojemann GA: Human epileptic brain: Na, K, ATPase activity and diphenylhydantoin concentration. Arch Neurol 32:549-554, 1975.
- Ojemann GA: Subcortical language mechanisms, in Whitaker H (Ed): Studies in Neurolinguistics, Volume I. New York: Academic Press, pp. 103-138, 1976.
- Ojemann GA: Asymmetric function of the thalamus in man, in Blizzard D and Diamond S (Eds): Evolution and Lateralization of the Brain. Ann NY Acad of Sci 299:380-396, 1977.
- Ojemann GA: Alterations of short-term verbal memory with human thalamic and cortical stimulation. Fiziologiya Cheloveka 3:859-867, 1977 (Russian). Reprinted in English in J Human Physiology, Plenum Press, 677-685.
- Ojemann GA: Summary of panels on subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral aneurysms. Clinical Neurosurgery 24:248-251, 1977.
- Whitaker H, Ojemann GA: Lateralization of higher cortical functions: A critique, in Diamond S and Blizzard D (Eds): Evolution and Lateralization of the Brain. Ann NY Acad of Sci 299:459-473, 1977.
- Rapport RL II, Ojemann GA, Wyler AR, Ward AA Jr: Surgical management of epilepsy. West J Med 127:185-189, 1977.
- Whitaker H, Ojemann GA: Graded localisation of naming from electrical stimulation mapping of left cerebral cortex. Nature 270:50-51, 1977.
- Ojemann GA: Language and verbal memory functions during and after human thalamic stimulation. Proceedings IV Panamerican Congress of Neurology. Mexico City. Neurol Neurocir Psiquiatr 18:35-45, 1977.
- Ojemann GA: A review of the neurologic basis of human cognition, with special emphasis on language. Allied Health and Behav Sci 1:338-381, 1978.
- Ojemann GA: The future role of surgery in the treatment of epilepsy, in Wada J (Ed): Modern Perspectives in Epilepsy, Chapter 13. Montreal: Eaton Press, pp. 209-226, 1978.
- Ojemann GA: Organization of short-term verbal memory in language areas of human cortex: Evidence from electrical stimulation. Brain and Language 5:331-340, 1978.
- Ojemann GA, Whitaker HA: Language localization and variability. Brain and Language 6:239-260, 1978.
- Ojemann GA, Whitaker HA: The bilingual brain. Arch Neurol 35:409-412, 1978.
- Reynolds AF Jr, Harris AB, Ojemann GA, Turner PT: Aphasia and left thalamic hemorrhage. J Neurosurg 48:570-574, 1978.
- Ojemann GA: Pathophysiologic basis for posterior fossa tumor signs and symptoms, in Buchheit WA and Truex RC Jr (Eds): Surgery of the Posterior Fossa. New York: Raven Press, pp. 37-56, 1979.
- Ojemann GA: Functional neurosurgery of the posterior fossa, in Buchheit WA and Truex RC Jr (Eds): Surgery of the Posterior Fossa. New York: Raven Press, pp. 155-172, 1979.
- Ojemann GA: Editorial Note: Neurophysiological codes of words in subcortical structures of the human brain, by Bechtereva, Bundzen, Gogolitsin, Malyshev, and Perepelkin. Brain and Language 7:143-144, 1979.
- Ojemann GA: Individual variability in cortical localization of language. J Neurosurg 50:164-169, 1979.
- Ojemann GA: Altering memory with human ventrolateral thalamic stimulations, in Hitchcock ER, Ballantine HT Jr, and Meyersons BA (Eds): Modern Concepts in Psychiatric Surgery. Elsevier/North-Holland: Biomedical Press, pp. 103-109, 1979.
- Ojemann GA, Mateer C: Cortical and subcortical organization of human communications: Evidence from stimulation studies, in Steklis H and Raleigh M (Eds): Neurobiology of Social Communication in Primates. New York: Academic Press, pp. 111-131, 1979.
- Ojemann GA, Ojemann LM: Epilepsy, in Tindall G and Long D: Contemporary Neurosurgery, Chapter 4, pp. 1-6, 1979.
- Ojemann GA, Mateer C: Human language cortex: Localization of memory, syntax and sequential motor-phoneme identification systems. Science 205:1401-1403, 1979.
- Ojemann GA, Oakley J, Ojemann L, Cromwell L: Identifying epileptic foci on contrast enhanced computerized tomographic (CT) scans. In Marguth F, Brock M, Kazner E, Klinger M, Schmiedek P (eds) Advances in Neurosurgery, Vol 7 Neurovascular Surgery – Specialized Neurosurgical Techniques. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Verlag. pp 361-364, 1979.
- Ojemann GA, Mateer C: Human language cortex: Identification of common sites for sequencing motor activity and speech discrimination, in Creutzfeld O, Scheich H, Schreiner C (eds): Hearing Mechanisms and Speech. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 205-211, 1979.
- Lockard JS, Ojemann GA, Congdon WC, DuCharme LL: Cerebellar stimulation in alumina-gel monkey model. Inverse relationship between clinical seizures and EEG interictal bursts. Epilepsia 20:223-234, 1979.
- Oakley J, Ojemann GA, Ojemann LM, Cromwell L: Identifying epileptic foci on contrast enhanced computerized tomographic scans. Arch Neurol 36:669-671, 1979.
- Reynolds AF, Turner PT, Harris AB, Ojemann GA, Davis LE: Left thalamic hemorrhage with dysphasia: A report of five cases. Brain and Language 7:62-73, 1979.
- Ojemann GA: Brain mechanisms for language: Observations during neurosurgery, in Lockard JS and Ward AA Jr (Eds): Epilepsy: A Window to Brain Mechanisms. Raven Press, pp. 243-260, 1980.
- Ojemann GA: Basic mechanisms implicated in surgical treatments of epilepsy, in Ward AA Jr and Lockard J (Eds): Epilepsy: A Window to Brain Mechanisms. Raven Press, pp. 261-277, 1980.
- Ojemann GA, Loeser JD: Brain stimulators for pain, in Tindall GT and Long DM (Eds): Contemporary Neurosurgery 2:1-5, 1980.
- Ojemann GA, Oakley JC: Effect of stimulation of the caudate and ventral anterior thalamus on seizure frequency in the chronic primate model of epilepsy, in Wada JA and Penry JK: Advances in Epileptology: The Xth Epilepsy International Symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 237-242, 1980.
- Lockard J, Ojemann GA, Oakley J, Salonen L: Cerebellar stimulation in alumina-gel monkey model: Differential effects on clinical seizures and EEG interictal bursts, in Wada J and Penry J: Advances in Epileptology. Raven Press, pp. 243-250, 1980.
- Burchiel K, Ojemann GA, Bolendar N: Localization of stereotaxic centers by computerized tomographic scanning: Technical note. J Neurosurg 53:861-863, 1980.
- Ojemann GA: Brain organization for language: Identification of component systems for syntax, verbal memory, focusing attention and a system common to sequencing motor movements and phonemic discrimination, in Bechtereva NP (Ed): Psychophysiology-Today and Tomorrow. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 1-9, 1981.
- Fried I, Ojemann GA, Fetz EE: Language-related potentials specific to human language cortex. Science 212:353-356, 1981.
- Oakley J, Ojemann G, Alvord E: Posttraumatic syringomyelia. Case report. J Neurosurg 55:276-281, 1981.
- Reynolds AF, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Intracellular records from chronic alumina epileptogenic foci in the monkey. Epilepsia 22:147-152, 1981.
- Ojemann GA: Interrelationship in the brain organization of language related behaviors: Evidence from electrical stimulation mapping, in Kirk U (Ed): Neuropsychology of Language, Reading and Spelling. Academic Press, pp. 129-152, 1983.
- Ojemann G: Subcortical aphasias, in Kirshner HS and Freemon FR (Eds): Neurology of Aphasia. The Netherlands: Swets Publishing Service, pp. 127-137, 1982.
- Ojemann GA: Intrahemispheric localization of language and visuospatial function: Evidence from stimulation mapping during craniotomies for epilepsy, in Akimoto H, Kazamatsuri H, Seino M and Ward A (Eds): Advances in Epileptology XIIIth Epilepsy International Symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 373-378, 1982.
- Ojemann GA, Fried I: Event related potential correlates of human language cortex measured during cortical resections for epilepsy, in Akimoto H, Kazamatsuri H, Seino M, and Ward A (Eds): Advances in Epileptology XIIIth Epilepsy International Symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 385-388, 1982.
- Ojemann GA: Models of the brain organization for higher integrative functions derived with electrical stimulation techniques. Human Neurobiology 1:243-249, 1982.
- Wyler AR, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Neurons in human epileptic cortex: Correlation between unit and EEG activity. Ann Neurol 11:301-308, 1982.
- Oakley J, Ojemann G: Effects of chronic stimulation of the caudate nucleus on a preexisting alumina seizure focus. Exp Neurol 75:360-367, 1982.
- Fried I, Mateer C, Ojemann G, Wohns R, Fedio P: Organization of visuospatial functions in human cortex: Evidence from electrical stimulation. Brain 105:349-371, 1982.
- Mateer CA, Polen SB, Ojemann GA, Wyler AR: Cortical localization of finger spelling and oral language: A case study. Brain and Language 17:46-57, 1982.
- Mateer CA, Polen SB, Ojemann GA: Sexual variation in cortical localization of naming as determined by stimulation mapping. Behav Brain Sci 5:310-311, 1982.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Abnormal movement disorders, in Youmans J (Ed): Neurosurgery, Chapter 140. Revised, 2nd edition. Saunders, pp, 3821-3857, 1982.
- Ojemann GA: Brain organization for language from the perspective of electrical stimulation mapping. Behav Brain Sci 6:189-206, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Brain behavior relations and the delivery of health care, in Carr JE and Dengerink H (Eds): Behavioral Sciences in the Practice of Medicine. New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Co., pp. 67-84, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Interrelationships in the localization of language, memory and motor mechanisms in human cortex and thalamus, in Thompson R (Ed): New Perspectives in Cerebral Localization. New York, Raven Press, pp. 157-175, 1982.
- Ojemann GA: The intrahemispheric organization of human language derived with electrical stimulation techniques. Trends in NeuroSciences 6:184-189, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Neurosurgical management of epilepsy, a personal perspective in 1983. Applied Neurophysiol 46:11-18, 1983.
- Ojemann G: Electrical stimulation and neurobiology of language. Behav Brain Sci 6:221-230, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Localization of common cortex for motor sequencing and phoneme identification, in Studdert-Kennedy M (Ed): Psychobiology of Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 69-76, 1983.
- Ojemann, GA: Interrelationships in the Brain Organization of Language-Related Behaviors: Evidence from Electrical Stimulation Mapping. In, Kirk U (ed), Neuropsychology of Language, Reading and Spelling. Academic Press, pp 129-152, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Prospects for further brain-stimulation studies during neurosurgical operations under local anesthesia, in Studdert-Kennedy M (Ed): Psychobiology of Language. Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 205-211, 1983.
- Mateer CA, Ojemann GA: Thalamic mechanisms in language and memory, in Legalowitz S (Ed): Language Functions and Brain Organization. Academic Press, pp. 171-191, 1983.
- Ojemann GA: Selection and indications for surgical therapy of epilepsy: An overview, in Porter RJ et al (Eds): Advances in Epileptology, XVth Epilepsy International Symposium. New York: Raven Press, pp. 445-448, 1984.
- Ojemann GA: Common cortical and thalamic mechanisms for language and motor functions. Am J Physiol 246:R901-R903, 1984.
- Ojemann LM , Ojemann GA: Treatment of epilepsy. American Family Physician 30:113-128, 1984.
- Wyler AR, Ojemann GA, Lettich E, Ward AA Jr: Subdural strip electrodes for localizing epileptogenic foci. J Neurosurg 60:1195-1200, 1984.
- Ojemann GA: Surgical treatment of epilepsy, in Wilkins R and Rengarchary S (Eds): Neurosurgery. McGraw-Hill: New York, pp. 2517-2527, 1985.
- Ojemann GA, Dodrill CB: Verbal memory deficits after left temporal lobectomy for epilepsy: Mechanism and intraoperative prediction. J Neurosurg 62:101-107, 1985.
- Ojemann G: Brain organization of language and speech, in Crockard A, Hayward R, and Hoff J (Eds): Foundations of Neurosurgery, 2nd edition. Blackwell, pp. 189-199, 1985.
- Ojemann GA: The role of research training in a neurosurgical residency. Neurosurgery 17 (Suppl):138-139, 1985.
- Ojemann GA: Enhancement of memory with human ventrolateral thalamic stimulation: Effect evident on a dichotic listening task. Appl Neurophysiol 48:212-215, 1985.
- Ojemann LM, Ojemann GA, Baugh-Bookman C: What is the optimal extent of the medical resection in anterior temporal lobe epilepsy? Epilepsia 27:636, 1986.
- Ojemann GA: Mapping of neuropsychological language parameters at surgery, in Varkey GP (Ed): Anesthetic Considerations for Craniotomy in Awake Patients. International Anesthesiology Clinics 24:115-131, 1986.
- Ojemann G: Brain mechanisms for consciousness and conscious experience, in Witelson SF and Kristofferson AB (Eds): McMaster-Bauer Symposium on Consciousness. Canadian Psychology 27:158-168, 1986.
- Ojemann GA: Intraoperative localization of language and memory. Neurosurgeon 5:69-75, 1986.
- Ojemann GA: Surgery of Epilepsy, Neurosurgeon 5:227-232, 1986.
- Ojemann GA: Surgical therapy for medically intractable epilepsy in children. West J Med 145:85-86, 1986.
- Dodrill CB, Wilkus RJ, Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr., Wyler AR, VanBelle G, and Tamas L: Multidisciplinary prediction of seizure relief from cortical resection surgery. Ann Neurol 20:2-12, 1986.
- Ojemann G: Lateralization and intrahemispheric localization of language and memory during surgical therapy of epilepsy, in Weiser HG and Elger CE (Eds): Presurgical Evaluation of Epileptics. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 98-104, 1987.
- Ojemann GA, Dodrill CB: Intraoperative techniques for reducing language and memory deficits with left temporal lobectomy. Advances in Epileptology 16:327-330, 1987.
- Ojemann GA, Creutzfeldt OD: Language in humans and animals: Contribution of brain stimulation and recording, in Mountcastle V, Plum F, Geiger S (Eds): Handbook of Physiology, The Nervous System V, Higher Functions of the Brain. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 675-699, 1987.
- Ojemann GA, Creutzfeldt OD, Lettich E: Neuronal activity in human temporal cortex related to naming and short-term verbal memory, in Engel J Jr, et al (Eds): Fundamental Mechanisms of Human Brain Function. New York: Raven Press, pp. 61-68, 1987.
- Ojemann GA: Surgical therapy for medically intractable epilepsy. J Neurosurg 66:489-499, 1987.
- Ojemann GA: The intrahemispheric localization and some electrophysiological correlates of language and memory, in Ottoson D (Ed): Duality and Unity of the Brain. Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series, Vol. 47. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd., pp. 283-294, 1987.
- Ojemann GA: Intraoperative functional mapping at the University of Washington, Seattle, in Engel J Jr (Ed): Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies. New York: Raven Press, pp. 635-639, 1987.
- Ojemann GA, Engel J Jr: Acute and chronic intracranial recording and stimulation, in Engel J Jr (Ed): Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies. New York: Raven Press, pp. 263-288, 1987.
- Ojemann GA: Neurology of language, in Adelman G (Ed): Elsevier’s Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol 1. Boston: Birkhauser, pp. 556-558, 1987. New edition 1996.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G, Lettich E: Single neuron activity in the right and left human temporal lobe during listening and speaking, in Ottoson D (Ed): Duality and Unity of the Brain. Wenner-Gren International Symposium Series, Vol. 47. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd., pp. 295-310, 1987.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G, Lettich E: Single neuron activity in the right and left human temporal lobe during listening and speaking, in Engel J Jr et al (Eds): Fundamental Mechanisms of Human Brain Function. New York: Raven Press, pp. 69-81, 1987.
- Ojemann GA: Effect of cortical and subcortical stimulation on human language and verbal memory, in Plum F (Ed): Language, Communication, and the Brain. New York: Raven Press, pp. 101-115, 1988.
- Ojemann GA, Creutzfeldt OD, Lettich E, Haglund MM: Neuronal activity in human lateral temporal cortex related to short-term verbal memory, naming and reading. Brain 111:1383-1403, 1988.
- Ojemann G: Editorial: Surgical treatment of epilepsy. J Child Neurol 3(3):154-166, 1988.
- Woods RP, Dodrill CB, Ojemann GA: Brain injury, handedness and speech lateralization in a series of amobarbital studies. Ann Neurol 23:510-518, 1988.
- Clarke HA, Ojemann GA, Yerby MS: Complex partial seizures associated with a temporomandibular joint defect. Epilepsia 29:297-299, 1988.
- Ojemann GA: Some brain mechanisms for reading, in Von Euler C, Lundberg I, and Lennerstrand G (Eds): Brain and Reading. Hampshire: MacMillan Press Ltd, pp. 47-59, 1989.
- Ojemann GA, Fried I, Lettich E: Electrocorticographic (ECoG) correlates of language. I. Desynchronization in temporal language cortex during object naming. EEG Clin Neurophysiol 73:453-463, 1989.
- Ojemann GA: Focal epilepsy, in Long D (Ed): Current Therapy in Neurological Surgery. Toronto: B.C. Decker, pp. 98-102, 1989.
- Ojemann G, Ojemann J, Lettich E, and Berger M: Cortical language localization in left, dominant hemisphere: An electrical stimulation mapping investigation in 117 patients. J Neurosurg 71:316-326, 1989.
- Friel PN, Ojemann GA, Rapport RL, Levy RH, Van Belle G: Human brain phenytoin: Correlation with unbound and total serum concentrations. Epilepsy Res 3:82-85, 1989.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G, Lettich E: Neuronal activity in the human lateral temporal lobe: I. Responses to speech. Exp Brain Res 77:451-475, 1989a.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G, Lettich E: Neuronal activity in the human lateral temporal lobe: II. Responses to the subjects own voice. Exp Brain Res 77:476-489, 1989b.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G: Neuronal activity in the human lateral temporal lobe: III. Activity changes during music. Exp Brain Res 77:490-498, 1989.
- Burchiel K, Clarke H, Ojemann G, Dacey R, Winn H: Use of stimulation mapping and corticography in the excision of arteriovenous malformations in sensorimotor and language-related neocortex. Neurosurgery 24:322-327, 1989.
- Berger MS, Kincaid J, Ojemann GA, Lettich E: Brain mapping techniques to maximize resection, safety, and seizure control in children with brain tumors. Neurosurgery 25:786-792, 1989.
- LeRoux PD, Berger MS, Ojemann GA, Wang K, Mack LA: Correlation of intraoperative ultrasound tumor volumes and margins with preoperative computerized tomography scans: An intraoperative methods to enhance tumor resection. J Neurosurg 71:691-698, 1989.
- Creutzfeldt O, Ojemann G: Neuronal responses in the human lateral temporal lobe related to speech, in Eccles J and Creutzfeldt O (Eds): The Principles of Design and Operation of the Brain. Rome: Pontifica Academia Scientiarvm, Scripta Varia 78, pp. 501-518, 1989.
- Ojemann GA: Frontal lobe operations for pain, in Bonica JJ (Ed): The Management of Pain, Volume II, Chapter 99. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, pp. 2096-2103, 1990.
- Artru AA, Lettich E, Colley PS, Ojemann GA: Nitrous Oxide: Suppression of focal epileptiform activity during inhalation, and spreading of seizure activity following withdrawal. J Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 2:189-193, 1990.
- Ojemann GA: Organization of language cortex derived from investigations during neurosurgery. Seminars in The Neurosciences 2:297-305, 1990.
- Ojemann GA, Ward AA Jr: Abnormal movement disorders, in Youmans J (Ed): Neurological Surgery, 3rd edition. Philadelpha: Saunders, pp. 4227-4262, 1990.
- Ojemann GA, Cawthon DF, Lettich E: Localization and physiological correlates of language and verbal memory in human lateral temporoparietal cortex, in Scheibel AB and Wechsler AF (Eds): Neurobiology of Higher Cognitive Function. New York: Guilford Press, pp. 185-202, 1990.
- Berger MS, Ojemann GA, Lettich E: Neurophysiological monitoring during astrocytoma surgery. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 1:65-80, 1990.
- Laohaprasit V, Silbergeld DL, Ojemann GA, Eskridge JM, Winn HR: Postoperative CT contrast enhancement following lobectomy for epilepsy. J Neurosurg 73:392-395, 1990.
- Berger MS, Cohen WA, Ojemann GA: Correlation of the motor cortex brain mapping data with magnetic resonance imaging. J Neurosurg 72:383-387, 1990.
- Bakay, RA, Allen, GS, Apuzzo, M, Borges, LF, Bullard, DE, Ojemann, GA, Oldfield, EH, Penn, R, Purvis, JT, and Tindall, GT (1990). Preliminary report on adrenal medullary grafting from the American Association of Neurological Surgeons Graft Project. Prog Brain Res 82, 603-610.
- Chang C, Ojemann LM, Ojemann GA, Lettich E: Seizures of Fronto-Orbital Origin: A Proven Case. Epilepsia 32:487-491, 1991.
- Ojemann G: Cortical organization of language and verbal memory based on intraoperative investigations. Progress in Sensory Physiology, Vol 12. Berlin: Springer Verlag. pp 192-230, 1991.
- Ojemann GA: Cortical organization of language. J Neurosci 11:2281-2287, 1991.
- Ojemann GA: Temporal lobectomy tailored to electrocorticography and functional mapping, in Spencer SS and Spencer DD (Eds): Surgery for Epilepsy. Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publishers, pp. 137-148, 1991.
- Rostomily RC, Berger MS, Ojemann GA, Lettich E: Postoperative deficits and functional recovery following removal of tumors involving the dominant hemisphere supplementary motor area. J Neurosurg 75:62-68, 1991.
- LeRoux PD, Berger MS, Haglund MM, Pilcher WH, Ojemann GA: Resection of intrinsic tumors from nondominant face motor cortex using stimulation motor mapping: Report of two cases. Surg Neurol 36(1):44-48, 1991.
- Ojemann G: Intraoperative electrocorticography and functional mapping, in Wyler A (Ed): Epilepsy Surgery. Blackwell, pp 189-196, 1991.
- Berger MS, Ojemann GA, Geyer R, Ghatan S: Seizure outcome in children with hemispheric tumors and associated intractable epilepsy: The role of tumor removal combined with seizure foci resection. Ped Neurosurg 17:185-191, 1991.
- Ojemann G: Issue Review and Future Prospects, in Apuzzo MLJ (Ed): Neurosurgical Aspects of Epilepsy. Park Ridge, IL: American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Chapter 15, pp 219-226, 1991.
- Ojemann G: Different approaches to resective epilepsy surgery: "Standard" and "tailored", in Theodore W (Ed): NIH Consensus Conference on Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsy Research supplement 5:169-174, 1992.
- LeRoux P, Berger M, Wang G, Mack L, Ojemann G: Low grade gliomas: Comparison of intraoperative ultrasound characteristics with preoperative imaging studies, J Neurooncology 13:189-198, 1992.
- Berger MS, Ojemann GA: Stimulation mapping and recording techniques used during pediatric brain tumor surgery: Pediatric neuro-oncology, in Bleyer WA and Pochedly C (Eds): New Trends in Clinical Research, Chapter 8. New York: Harwood Academic Publishers, pp. 136-160, 1992.
- Walsh AR, Ojemann GA: Anterior temporal lobectomy for epilepsy. In, Clinical Neurosurgery, Volume 38. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, pp. 535-547, 1992.
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- Berger MS, Ghatan S, Haglund MM, Ojemann GA, Dobbins J: Low-grade gliomas associated with intractable epilepsy: seizure outcome utilizing electrocorticography during tumor resection. J Neurosurg 79:62-69, 1993.
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- Ojemann GA: Intraoperative tailoring of temporal lobe resection, in Engel J Jr (Ed): Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies. 2nd ed. Raven Press, pp 481-488, 1993.
- Ojemann GA, Bourgois B: Early Postoperative Management, in Engel J Jr (Ed): Surgical Treatment of the Epilepsies. 2nd ed. Raven Press, pp 539-540, 1993.
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- Pilcher WH, Silbergeld DL, Berger MS, Ojemann GA: Intraoperative electrocorticography during tumor resection: impact on seizure outcome in patients with gangliogliomas. J Neurosurg 78:891-902, 1993.
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- Tsai, ML, Chatrian, GE, Holubkov, AL, Temkin, NR, Shaw, CM, and Ojemann, GA (1993). Electrocorticography in patients with medically intractable temporal lobe seizures. II. Quantification of epileptiform discharges following successive stages of resective surgery. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 87, 25-37.
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- Haglund MM, Ojemann GA, Schwartz TW, Lettich E: Neuronal activity in human lateral temporal cortex during serial retrieval from short-term verbal memory. J Neurosci 14:1507-1515, 1994.
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- Ojemann G: Functional organization of the temporal lobe and prefrontal areas in human brain: Intraoperative investigations. Japanese J. Neuropsychology 12:2-10, 1996
- Holmes M.D., Dodrill CB, Wilensky AJ, Ojemann LM, Ojemann GA: Unilateral focal preponderance of interictal epileptiform discharges as a predictor of seizure origin. Arch Neurol. 53:228-232, 1996.
- Haglund MM, Berger MS, Ojemann GA: Functional localization: cortical stimulation mapping. In Andrews R, ed., Intraoperative Neuroprotection, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, pp. 201-215, 1996.
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- Brinkley JF, Myers LM, Prothero JS, Heil GH, Maravilla KR, Ojemann GA, Rosse C: A structural information framework for brain mapping. In: Progress in Neuroinformatics. S.H. Koslow and M.F. Huerta (eds), Lawrence Erlbaum, pp 309-334, 1997.
- Ojemann GA: Cortical mapping in tumor resection. In: Advances of Neuro-Oncology II. Kornblith PL. Walker MD (eds), Futura Publishing Company, Inc., Armonk, NY, pp 183-189, 1997.
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- Ojemann GA: Intraoperative Methods. In: Epilepsy - A Comprehensive Textbook. Jerome Engel, Jr., Pedley TA, M.D. (ed), Lipponcott-Raven, New York, NY, pp. 1777-1783, 1997.
- Ojemann G: Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. In Grady MS, ed., Clinical Neurosurgery 44: 79-90,1997.
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- Holmes, MD, Dodrill, CB, Ojemann, GA, Wilensky, AJ, and Ojemann, LM (1997). Outcome following surgery in patients with bitemporal interictal epileptiform patterns. Neurology 48(4), 1037-1040.
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- Chatrian, GE, Tsai, ML, Temkin, NR, Holmes, MD, Pauri, F, and Ojemann, GA (1998). Role of the ECoG in tailored temporal lobe resection: the University of Washington experience. Supplement 48 to Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiol “Electrocorticography: Current Trends and Future Perspectives. 48, 24-43. PMID9949773
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- Holmes MD, Dodrill CB, Wilkus RJ, Ojemann LM, Ojemann GA: Is Partial epilepsy progressive? 10 year follow-up of EEG and neuropsychological changes in adults with partial seizures. Epilepsia. 39:1189-1193, 1998.
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- Holmes MD, Wilensky AJ, Ojemann LM, Ojemann GA: Predicting outcome following reoperation for medically intractable epilepsy. Seizure, 8:103-106, 1999.
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- Holmes, MD, Dodrill, CB, Kutsy, RL, Ojemann, GA, and Miller, JW (2001). Is the left cerebral hemisphere more prone to epileptogenesis than the right? Epileptic Disord 3, 137-141.
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- Ojemann G: The neurobiology of language and verbal memory: observations from awake neurosurgery. Int J Psychophysiol 48:141-146, 2003.
- Lucas TH, Schoenfield-McNeill J, Weber PB, Ojemann GA. A direct measure of human lateral temporal lobe neurons responsive to face matching. Cognitive Brain Research 18:15-25, 2003.
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- Holmes MD, Miles AN, Dodrill CB, Ojemann GA, Wilensky AJ. Identifying potential surgical candidates in patients with evidence of bitemporal epilepsy. Epilepsia 2003; 44(8):1075-9.
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- Keles GE, Lundin DA, Lamborn KR, Chang EF, Ojemann G, Berger MS: Intraoperative subcortical stimulation mapping for hemispherical perirolandic gliomas located within or adjacent to the descending motor pathways: evaluation of morbidity and assessment of functional outcome in 294 patients. J Neurosurg 100:369-375, 2004
- Lucas TH 2nd, McKhann GM 2nd, Ojemann GA: Functional separation of languages in the bilingual brain: a comparison of electrical stimulation language mapping in 25 bilingual patients and 117 monolingual control patients. J Neurosurg 101:449-457, 2004.
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- Ojemann GA: Cognitive Mapping through Electrophysiology. Epilepsia, 51 (Suppl 1) 72-75, 2010. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2009.02453x
- Ojemann GA: Intraoperative Monitoring in Epilepsy, in: Lozano AM, Gildenberg PL, Tasker RR (eds). Textbook of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery. 2nd Edition. (Chapter 157, pg 2651-2660) Springer Verlag, Berlin. 2009
- Ojemann GA, Corina DP, Corrigan N, Schoenfield-McNeill J, Poliakov A, Zamora L, Zanos S: Neuronal Correlates of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Human Temporal Cortex. Brain Jan 2010 Jan;133(Pt 1):46-59. PMCID: PMC2801320
- Ojemann GA: Memoriam: Ettore "Hector" Lettich. Am J Electroneurodiagnostic Technol 50:2-3, 2010
- Ojemann GA. Brain Mapping in Epilepsy Surgery, in: Duffau H (ed)., Brain mapping: from neural basis of cognition to surgical applications: Springer Vienna; 2012. p. 295-303.
- Ramakrishna R, Barber J, Kennedy G, Rizvi A, Goodkin R, Winn HR, Ojemann GA, Berger MS, Spence AM, Rostomily RC: Imaging features of invasion and preoperative and postoperative tumor burden in previously untreated glioblastoma: Correlation with survival. Surgical Neurology International: 1:40, 2010. PMID:20847921 PMC: 2940100
- Zanos S, Zanos TP, Marmarelis VZ, Ojemann G, Fetz E., Relationships between spike-free local field potentials and spike timing in human temporal cortex. J. Neurophysiol 107: 1808-1821. 2012. doi: 10.1152/jn.00663.2011
- Hakimian S, Kershenovich A, Miller JW, Ojemann JG, Hebb AO, D’Ambrosio R, Ojemann GA. Long-term outcome of extratemporal resection of posttraumatic epilepsy. Neurosurgical Focus. 32(3) E10, 2012.
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- Ojemann GA, Hebb AO. The Thalamus and Language Revisited. Brain and Language. 2013;126(1):99-108. PMID:22857902
- Drane DD, Ojemann JG, Phatak V, Loring DW, Gross RE, Hebb AO, Silbergeld DL, Miller JW, Voets NL, Saindane AM, Barsalou L, Meador K, Ojemann GA, Tranel D. Famous face identification in temporal lobe epilepsy: Support for a multimodal integration model of semantic memory. Cortex. 2013;49(6):1648-67. PMID:23040175 PMC: 3679345
- Drane DL, Roraback-Carson J, Hebb AO, Hersonskey T, Lucas T, Ojemann GA, Lettich E, Silbergeld DL, Miller JW, Ojemann JG. Cortical stimulation mapping and Wada results demonstrate a normal variant of right hemisphere language organization. Epilepsia. 2012;53(10):1790-8. PMID:22780099 PMC: 3463744
- Ojemann GA, Ojemann J, Ramsey NF. Relation between functional magnetic resonance imaging
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- Ojemann GA. Fifty-plus Years of Human Single Neuron Recordings: A Personal Perspective. In: Fried I, Rutishauser U, Cerf M, Kreiman G, editors. Single Neuron Studies of the Human Brain: Probing Cognition: MIT Press; 2014. p. 7-15. ISBN 978-0-262-02720-5
- Ojemann GA. Human Lateral Temporal Cortical Single Neuron Activity during Language, Recent Memory and Learning. In: Fried I, Rutishauser U, Cerf M, Kreiman G, editors. Single Neuron Studies of the Human Brain: Probing Cognition: MIT Press; 2014. p. 247-72. ISBN 978-0-262-02720-5
- Ojemann, GA, Reflections on a Career in Epilepsy: A “Triple Threat” Career in Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsy and Behavior, in press 2015.
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- Calvin WH, Ojemann GA: Conversation with Neil's Brain. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1994. Paperback, German, Dutch editions, 1995.