Dr. Richard G. Ellenbogen was awarded the 2022 “Excellence in Medicine” Award for his personal integrity, innovative thought, and numerous contributions to the field of neurosurgery pertaining to Chiari malformations and other disorders of the brainstem and spinal cord at the 12th Annual Bobby Jones CSF International Night of Light Gala held at Cercle de l’Union Interalliée in Paris, France on November 18th. As an active member of the Scientific Education and Advisory Board and founding member of the Foundation, Dr. Ellenbogen was recognized for his trailblazing research to furthering diagnosis and treatment of Chiari, syringomyelia, and for advocating for health- and safety-related rules changes, sideline concussion diagnosis and management protocols and youth concussion protection laws in all 50 states.
Bobby Jones CSF is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with the mission to advance knowledge through research and to educate the medical, allied science and lay community about Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, and related disorders.