The GRID Lab is interested in using electrocorticography (ECoG) to answer basic neuroscience questions as well as to develop tools for clinical and rehabilitative applications. ECoG, which is used for long-term clinical monitoring of epilepsy patients, provides a unique opportunity to collect intracranial cortical data from awake, behaving humans. The group, under the direction of Dr. Ojemann, represents researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including neurosurgery, neurology, rehabilitative medicine, engineering, neuroscience, and physics. A major focus of the group is brain-computer interfaces; current projects include learning mechanisms, tactile feedback, and recursive stimulation. Also under investigation are more fundamental questions about cortical representation of simple and complex hand movements, the dynamics of cognition, language, and higher-order nonlinear interactions between brain areas. Other projects include integration of ECoG and fMRI and studies of temporal lobe epilepsy.